Inflating the Cost of Divorce

Top Ten Ways to Avoid Inflating the Cost of Divorce

Divorce is the largest financial transaction a couple will make in their lifetime.  Most divorcing couples feel as if they've taken a financial beating during the divorce and long after it is over. Even if the breakup is amicable, dividing assets takes a financial toll.  Every marriage and financial situation are different.  But how much a divorce ultimately costs can depend on the couple’s actions and choices. The average cost of a divorce in Florida is roughly fifteen thousand ($15,000.00) dollars per couple.  Costs can include attorney fees, mediation fees and filing fees.  These costs are average costs, with some...Read More
Horse Trading Using Valuation Techniques in Divorce Mediation

Horse Trading Using Valuation Techniques in Divorce Mediation

When it comes to divorce and the division of assets, not all assets are equal.  A dollar in a retirement account does not equal a dollar in an investment account which does not equal a cash dollar. Similarly, money owed to a family member does not equal an IRS tax lien which does not equal a student loan. The equitable distribution process in divorce mediation using various valuation methods and techniques used to properly identify and distribute marital assets and debts in a divorce. There is a process to divide assets and in divorce mediation, which includes the following phases: List the assets:  These...Read More
TFAPM Announces 2021 Award Winners

TFAPM Announces 2021 Award Winners

The Florida Academy of Professional Mediators (TFAPM) is pleased to announce the recipients of the Mel Rubin Memorial Award of Merit and the Susan Dubow Service Award for 2021. Deborah Beylus is the winner of the Mel Rubin Memorial Award of Merit. Ms. Beylus has been certified by the Florida Supreme Court for over ten years. She is certified in Family, Circuit Civil, County, and Dependency. A former senior equity analyst for one of the largest financial firms, she is also a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst. In addition to her mediation practice (South Florida Mediation Services), she has served as...Read More
Divorce and the Child Tax Credit

Divorce and the Child Tax Credit

Of the many complex financial issues that spouses may need to address during the divorce process, tax considerations can be among the most confusing. These issues can be a major concern for parents since the ability to claim children as dependents can affect the amount of taxes that a person will pay, the tax credits they can claim, and the tax refunds they will receive when filing their annual tax returns. Parents will need to be sure to understand how to address child-related tax issues both during the divorce process and after their divorce is complete. They will also need...Read More
Dividing Debt in a Divorce

Dividing Debt in a Divorce

Marriage is more than a legal relationship. It is a union of finances as well.  Money problems are always one of the top reasons for divorce. There is no question that money problems can erode the fabric of relationships. The circumstances of every divorce are different, of course, but in many cases, untangling the finances in a divorce is a large part of the battle.  Divorce, however, doesn’t fix those money problems. In fact, it often creates additional ones for each spouse—particularly if there’s only one financial breadwinner. Most people want to emerge financially separated from their former spouses. The...Read More