June 7th 11AM – 12:30PM

LIVE FORMAT CME (Teleseminar/Webinar)

“All I really need to know I learned from the Financial Affidavit” (1.5 Family/General)

Moderated by: Deborah Beylus, FAPM Member & Stanley Zamor, FAPM CEO/President

The Financial Affidavit is the most important document to use in mediation for the mediator to identify and understand the issues facing the parties in a pending family case. It is relied upon to calculate child support, identify the assets subject to equitable distribution as well as determine whether alimony is necessary. When used correctly, a mediator can determine non-financial issues about the parties as well. Even the errors and omissions can teach the Mediator about the financial and non-financial issues surrounding the case. In this CME, we will go over the sections of the Financial Affidavit, the pitfalls to avoid as a mediator and how to use the affidavit to identify most of the issues pending.

Members of FAPM: $10.00
Non/Inactive Members of FAPM: $35.00



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